Industrial Rotary Lobe Pumps For Sale | Power Zone

5500 GPM

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Item Brand, Model{{search.sorting.directionIcon('item-brand-model')}}

187500 - 190000 BPD, 7800 - 7900 BPH, 130 - 131 BPM, 340 - 350 L/SEC, 20500 - 21000 L/MIN, 0.34 - 0.35 M3/SEC, 1225 - 1250 M3/HR, 29500 - 30000 M3/DAY

Power Zone has new, used and refurbished rotary lobe pumps. Lobe Pumps are a type of positive displacement pump that have large pumping chambers that help to handle both liquids and solids. Ideal for high viscosity pumping, lubrication systems and hydraulic systems, lobe pumps are used for a variety of applications in the oil & gas, agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries. We provide API 676 lobe pumps from many different manufacturers including Alfa Laval, LobePro, Netzsch and Boerger.