Industrial Aplex Single-Stage Centrifugal Pumps For Sale

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Power Zone is a global supplier of new, used and reconditioned single-stage centrifugal pumps. Single-stage pumps are commonly used in low pressure, high flow rate transfers involving low viscosity fluids such as water, fuel, oils and petrochemicals. There are several types of single-stage centrifugal pumps, mainly horizontal single stage pumps and vertical single stage pumps in a variety of ANSI and API 610 standards, including API BB1, API OH2, API, VS4 and more. Single stage pumps are required for use in various industries including oil & gas, agriculture, mining and manufacturing. Our inventory includes Slurry Pumps, Process Pumps, Trash Pumps, ANSI pumps, Self priming pumps, Dry Prime Pumps and many more from leading manufacturers such as ITT Goulds, Godwin, Aurora, Flowserve and Sulzer.