Industrial Double-Acting Quintuplex Pumps For Sale

10000 GPM

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Item Brand, Model{{search.sorting.directionIcon('item-brand-model')}}

342500 - 345000 BPD, 14200 - 14300 BPH, 238 - 239 BPM, 630 - 640 L/SEC, 37500 - 38000 L/MIN, 0.63 - 0.64 M3/SEC, 2250 - 2275 M3/HR, 54500 - 55000 M3/DAY

A Double Acting Quintuplex Pump has 5 cylinders designed for high pressures and smoother flow rates. Double Acting quintuplex pumps can be purchased but are rare and usually custom manufactured. We build and supply customized Double Acting Quintuplex Pumps as per your requirement. Quintuplex pumps can be used in various applications including salt water disposal, descaling, high pressure pumping, Frac pumping, pipeline transfers in the Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Mining, Municipal and Manufacturing sectors.