Industrial Simplex Pumps For Sale | Power Zone

1000 GPM

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Item Brand, Model{{search.sorting.directionIcon('item-brand-model')}}

32500 - 35000 BPD, 1400 - 1500 BPH, 23 - 24 BPM, 60 - 70 L/SEC, 3500 - 4000 L/MIN, 0.06 - 0.07 M3/SEC, 225 - 250 M3/HR, 5000 - 5500 M3/DAY

Power Zone supplies new, used and refurbished Single Acting Simplex Pumps of leading manufacturers like Kerr, Union and Wheatley. API 674 Single Acting Simplex Pumps have a single cylinder and one pumping chamber. Simplex Pumps are used in hand pumps, water wells, injection molding, steam pumps, pumpjacks, water jet cutting, etc. in the Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Mining, Municipal and Manufacturing sectors.